Fresh Out of the Kiln! NEW Handmade Ceramic Palette ~ Original Design by Jana L Bussanich

FREE Color-Mixing Demo

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Free Recurring Online Monthly Color-Mixing Demo and Talk

by Jana L. Bussanich

  • How do you manage everyday color choices?
  • Do you shy away from making bold color statements because you lack confidence in choosing the right color?
  • A little color theory goes a long way in helping us navigate our color-filled environments with confidence (and improve our paintings!).

    • Mix the Color Wheel: Use the three primary colors: yellow,
    • red, and blue, to mix the color wheel. 
    • Mix with Me: Use whatever supplies you have on hand and mix along during the demo (or watch and mix later).
    • Mix to Neutral: Neutrals tend to be what we think of as gray colors. To be colorless. Two opposite colors on the color wheel revert to neutral when mixed.
  • Q&A: Ask me about color mixing and color theory: The theory is the same whether you work with watercolor another medium. 

Registration and Valid Email Required.
The zoom link will be emailed the day before the workshop.